Monday, May 18, 2009

We have a winner!


What an amazing, adventurous, relaxing, thrilling, challenging time it has been for all of us. We have seen so many wonderful, beautiful, spectacular sights, met so many kind and helpful people. We have challenged ourselves, acted frequently beyond our usual comfort zones, been forced into much greater self-reliance, and more importantly, inter-dependence on one another. We have learned gratitude, perspective, humility, confidence. We have learned that dreams come true, that goals are meant to be realized, and that many of the most meaningful achievements come only after long effort, sleepless nights, physical/mental/economic discomfort and persistence. We learned that the sun always comes up. We learned that God knows each of us, and will help us, many times in unseen or unrecognized ways, if we just ask (and importantly, whether we deserve it or not).

Shall we play again?